Detail: Detail of Missouri River, silt stabilized with sorghum syrup enclosing sand, 100’L x 3” H and 14” average width
Installation Detail: Missouri and Kansas Rivers, Missouri River, sand and silt stabilized by local sorghum syrup, 100’L x 3” H and 14” average width
Installation Detail: Missouri and Kansas Rivers, Missouri River, sand and silt stabilized by local sorghum syrup, 100’L x 3” H and 14” average width
Detail: View of confluence of Missouri and Kansas Rivers, silt stabilized with sorghum syrup enclosing sand, 100’L x 3” H and 14” average width
Detail: Debris on the Kaw, silt stabilized with sorghum syrup enclosing sand, HO scale train model objects, 100’L x 3” H and 14” average width
Detail: Tire debris, silt stabilized with sorghum syrup enclosing sand, HO scale train model objects, 100’L x 3” H and 14” average width
Detail: Volkswagon and debris, silt stabilized with sorghum syrup enclosing sand, HO scale train model objects, 100’L x 3” H and 14” average width