Castor bean plants grown from seed, June-October 1997, 17’ x17” x 65’.
Castor bean plants grown from seed, June-October 1997, 17’ x17” x 65’, detail of castor bean leaves.
Installation overview October 1997, The Chair Building, Kansas City, MO, uprooted and inverted castor plants, steel hooks, drawings, light-Derek Porter Studio, 12,000 sq feet of darkness with plants in lighted area, 70’ x12’ x 7’, drawings 11’ x 30’.
Installation at Chair Building, Kansas City, MO, DETAIL-castor bean plants at opening October 1997.
Installation overview November 1997, wilted plants, The Chair Building, Kansas City, MO, uprooted and inverted castor plants, steel hooks, drawings, light-Derek Porter Studio, 12,000 sq feet of darkness with plants in lighted area, 70’ x12’ x 7’, drawings seen at far left, 11’ x 30’.
Installation at Chair Building, Kansas City, MO, wilted castor bean plants, November 1997.
Installation at Chair Building, Kansas City, MO, Detail, wilted castor bean plants, November 1997.
Installation at Chair Building, Kansas City, MO DETAIL of drawings, 11’x 30”.
Installation at Chair Building, Kansas City, MO, DETAIL drawing #1, Introduction.
Installation at Chair Building, Kansas City, MO, DETAIL drawing #2, DAZE DAYS AND STRANGE ROLLER COASTER RIDE.
Installation at Chair Building, Kansas City, MO, diagram of plant growth June-October 1997
Installation at Chair Building, Kansas City, MO, diagram of psychological state June-October 1997 as transcribed from journals.