RAW BALLS   1997,  Massachusetts’ kelp and Missouri Mud, 2-4” diameter.
  Collection     Various found objects:  Large leaf, mud dauber nests (one built on a life preserver strap), cigar fragment, sponges, locust pod, skate egg cases, etc.
  SAC:  SELF PORTRAIT  1998-99  Kelp, glue, felt, beeswax, 5'5" x 18" x 9".
  SAC:  SELF PORTRAIT  1998-99  Kelp, glue, felt, beeswax, 5'5" x 18" x 9", detail.
  BOWL  1995  Steel belted tire pieces, plaster, paint, rubber, 3 x 3 x 2' H.
  RAW BALLS   1997,  Massachusetts’ kelp and Missouri Mud, 2-4” diameter.
RAW BALLS1997,  Massachusetts’ kelp and Missouri Mud, 2-4” diameter.
  Collection     Various found objects:  Large leaf, mud dauber nests (one built on a life preserver strap), cigar fragment, sponges, locust pod, skate egg cases, etc.
Collection  Various found objects:  Large leaf, mud dauber nests (one built on a life preserver strap), cigar fragment, sponges, locust pod, skate egg cases, etc.
  SAC:  SELF PORTRAIT  1998-99  Kelp, glue, felt, beeswax, 5'5" x 18" x 9".
SAC:  SELF PORTRAIT1998-99Kelp, glue, felt, beeswax,5'5" x 18" x 9".
  SAC:  SELF PORTRAIT  1998-99  Kelp, glue, felt, beeswax, 5'5" x 18" x 9", detail.
SAC:  SELF PORTRAIT1998-99Kelp, glue, felt, beeswax,5'5" x 18" x 9", detail.
  BOWL  1995  Steel belted tire pieces, plaster, paint, rubber, 3 x 3 x 2' H.
BOWL1995Steel belted tire pieces, plaster, paint, rubber, 3 x 3 x 2' H.
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