Giardino Galleggiante per Venezia: Ma I Vermi Vivranno? (Floating Garden for Venice: But Will the Worms Live?), V2, 2022

Hazelnut branches, Laurel posts, burlap, composted soil, salt-tolerant edible plants, large garden.

Sponsored by Carol Dene Boling McCoy (1923 - 2019), Torre Nocciole Romane, Kansas City Art Institute, and ETRA.



Giardino Galleggiante per Venezia (Floating Garden for Venice), 2021

Hazelnut branches, composted soil, burlap, salt-tolerant edible plants.
+ Three Community Workshops.

Sponsored by Carol Dene Boling McCoy (1923 - 2019), Kansas City Art Institute, Torre Nocciole Romane, Scoiattolo Rosso, and ETRA. 



Sound of the Sea, Silenced Sea

Karen McCoy in collaboration with composer Robert Carl

Listening trumpet - fiber, wax, hide glue, palm frond legs, and steel. Sand mound – sand and Portland white cement, Trumpet dimensions – 43"L x 54" H x 21" largest diameter, Sand mound dimensions – 36"H x 36" diameter at base, hole in 12"deep x 14" diameter. Accompanying web-based sound piece, Sounding Sea, Silenced Sea (Robert Carl, see info)



Sound and Sight Walks

in collaboration with Robert Carl, Sculpture Key West, West Martello Garden, Key West, Florida, January — April 2009, trumpets formed from indigenous materials, listening sites recorded and mixed by Robert Carl into Martello Mix.




The Taiwan Tangle: Space for Contemplating Carrying Capacity

Guandu International Sculpture Festival, Guandu Nature Park, Taipei, Taiwan

Bamboo, hemp rope, vine leaves, text, 24' L x 9' W x 11' H



Coronet Acoustique Pour Les Oiseaux De Cantagal (Ear Trumpet for the Birds of Cantagal)

Languedoc, France,

Ear trumpet woven from native plants, installed on large boulder aimed at a grove of trees where Nightinggales were frequently heard singing. Genet (Common Broom-Cytisus scoparius or Genista scorpius), willow, earth, retted genet, 5'5" x 2' large end x 3.5" small end.




Ensemble for Jackson, Wyoming

sponsored by the Jackson Art Association and the Land Trust, 2000